September 23, 2011

Tokyo Rising

        Have you ever said, “that will never happen to me?” Like many of us, I am sure that was what many Japanese people would say before 3/11. The tragic day brought much heartbreak to the country. But that does not stop the spirit of the Japanese. Times like this are where one must unite and lift spirits up.

          Natural disasters cannot be avoided. But at hard times, one must find new ways to stay positive. Pharrell Williams represents this documentary showing how different artist come together to bring back life to a country. Through music, art, and innovation Japanese are bringing back that free spirited lifestyle.

Sometimes we take the small things we have for granted. It is beautiful and inspiring to see how many citizens, in one nation, can come together to bring happiness back to the nation. Giving back is wonderful. One must not forget the people that are in need. Check out the video series of “Tokyo Rising” and  be inspired to give back to your community.


Con Mucho Amor,

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